BC Hands & Voices Board Opportunity: Will You Join Us?

By: Lisa Cable

As with any non-profit organization our BC Hands & Voices Board of Directors is the heart and soul of who we are. The individuals that volunteer their time to help guide and shape the direction of our organization are incredibly important. Some of our board members are new to our team and others have been with us for many, many years. 

Most of our current board members are parents of dhh kids and some are also Deaf/Hard of Hearing themselves. We’ve previously also had professionals working with dhh children as a part of our team. The one thing they all have in common is the goal of supporting and guiding the families of these children as they navigate their personal journeys.

On March 10th we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our board of directors will be voted in for another term. In addition to the role of board director, some members will take on additional roles such as President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. 

We are always looking to welcome new members to our team to help support our goals and expand our ability to reach the families of BC. In the past we’ve also had people join us as volunteers to get a feel for what the Board does and find out if it’s a good fit for them. We have a wonderful group of volunteers that manage our newsletters and articles that would welcome some new faces. 

This year I will be vacating my role as President to focus on my education as I’ve returned to school full-time. This is a key role in that the President provides leadership to the rest of the team and helps plot the course for the organization. We would very much like to see this role filled at our AGM in March and are looking for 1 or 2 persons who would be interested in stepping into this position. 

The role of President requires someone who has strong leadership skills, good communication abilities and who can work with a team of diverse people. The board meets virtually once a month which is about 8-9 times a year and once in person, for an annual planning meeting.

We would love to find a person or persons who are enthusiastic about working in the British Columbia DHH community and who are wanting to support families with children who are deaf/hard of hearing as the President of our Board. This is a wonderful opportunity for someone who has worked in the past with other committees or boards and is looking to volunteer and give back in some way. 

If you wish to work with us but are not interested in stepping into the President role, please do reach out as we would love to connect with you.  Contact us at info@bchandsandvoices.com or to me directly at lisa@bchandsandvoices.com for more information.

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