Author Archives: BC H&V

Learning From the Experts

By Nicole Eich Parents and caregivers of d/Deaf and hard of hearing (d/DHH) children are likely to be introduced to a number of professional experts over the years. Audiologists, speech-language pathologists, ASL instructors, ENTs – the list goes on and … Continue reading 

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Parent Connect Night on Zoom – ‘Keep Calm & Ask!- Parent-to-Parent’

CONTACT/INFO: Please register to receive zoom information here: Download our flyer here: Keep Calm & Ask (P2P) 9.23.2021

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Building A Foundation for Self-Advocacy

By Joy Santos Becoming a parent opens your eyes and your heart to a world of adventures and emotions. In my experience thus far, it’s been a rollercoaster of dynamic and often conflicting sentiments!  I want to be able to … Continue reading 

Posted in Advocacy, Articles, Deaf Culture, Families to Families | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Building A Foundation for Self-Advocacy

The Joyce of Reading

by Rosalind Ho For the past year and more, as the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the world, we have lived our lives in small bubbles. Within those circles, we have been  confined to the boundaries of monitor screens or … Continue reading 

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Parent Connect Night on Zoom – ‘New to the Journey? Keep Calm & Ask!’ 

Download our flyer here: Keep Calm & Ask 6.17.2021

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Never Mind, It’s Not Important = Never Mind, You’re Not Important-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

Never Mind-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Original Article in English:

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Getting Ready for Kindergarten – Navigating Your Options ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

Getting Ready for Kindergarten-ਪੰਜਾਬੀ Link to article in English:

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The Silent Language

By Maria Ruiz I tuck her hair Behind her ears Naked Ears Without the aids Without the sounds Only language she hears Is the one my heart speaks My eyes tell She knows This language Well The silence So full … Continue reading 

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“School Transition Information Night” for Chinese Speaking Families Wednesday May 5, 2021

BC Hands & Voices & Provincial Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services present “School Transition Information Night” for Chinese Speaking Families Wednesday May 5, 2021 7:00-8:30pm. This event is similar to the event happening on May 26th put on by … Continue reading 

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Hard of Hearing Angels- Arabic عربي

Hard of Hearing Angels- عربي Link to original article in English:

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