Author Archives: BC H&V

The Big Move

By Anja Rosenke The countdown is on – my son turns 5 in a couple of months and is due to enter Kindergarten in September. Officially, early intervention ends at this point and I am already preparing for the distinct … Continue reading 

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Reflecting on Early Intervention

By Kim Shauer Wikipedia defines Early Intervention as “a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years. Starting with a partnership between parents and professionals at this early stage … Continue reading 

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Hard of Hearing Teenaged Fiddler Travels to Scotland

By Teresa Kazemir Our son Jesse traveled to Scotland this past summer – he is a  fiddle player with the North Shore Celtic Ensemble, and they  participated in the Aberdeen International Youth Festival for  12 days in July and August. … Continue reading 

Posted in Families to Families, Newsletter - Apr 2011 | Comments Off on Hard of Hearing Teenaged Fiddler Travels to Scotland
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