Category Archives: Families to Families

B.C. Sign Language Interpreter Nigel Howard is a “real life superhero” to this deaf 4-year-old

Note- this article was originally published on Vancouver Is Awesome on May 29,2020 and is being reproduced here with permission from the author and Vancouver Is Awesome. ——————————————————————————————————– Our first and only child, Iliyan, was 6 weeks old when we learned … Continue reading 

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Zoom Parent Connect Evening

Connect with other families with dhh children and have some time to share! Whether you’re looking for emotional support, a place to vent, or simply to share the joys… we are here for you! ASL interpreter will be available if … Continue reading 

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When Grief Speaks

By Gina Cooper It happened in a safe place. With a deeply caring, experienced psychologist named Mary Beth Goring at the John Tracy Clinic Summer Session in Los Angeles. Grief decided she had been pushed inside for too long and … Continue reading 

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VIRTUAL Parent Evening “Unilateral Hearing Loss”

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020 7:00 – 9:00pm Location Update: Connect from your home only: by phone or computer/smart phone. This is a special evening specifically for parents of children who are unilaterally deaf or hard of hearing. BC H&V board … Continue reading 

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Getting Ready for Kindergarten – Navigating Your Options

By Lee Johnston  The transition to kindergarten can be an exciting and stressful time under any circumstances, for both children and their parents or guardians. But planning for the kindergarten transition for a D/deaf or hard of hearing child (DHH) … Continue reading 

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Family Gatherings – “It is what it is…”

By Cecelia Klassen *This article was first published in Family Network for Deaf Children newsletter in March 2016. It has been updated and republished in BC Hands & Voices with the permission of the author.* Barbeques, birthday parties, Thanksgiving dinner, … Continue reading 

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Finding the Right Fit

By Nicki Horton Our journey began over 26 years ago when we were blessed with our first child; our beautiful baby boy, JC. At this time, the Early Hearing Screening Program was not in place. Despite multiple visits to the … Continue reading 

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Turning Five – A Look Back As Our Daughter Graduates from Early Intervention Services

By: Rabab Albaharia My lovely daughter has turned five this year. At this age she has graduated from early intervention services, and after all the graduation excitement and the thrill of starting a new chapter of her life, I thought … Continue reading 

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Developing Resiliency Through Community Involvement

By Nicole Eich Our daughter Kathleen is 5. She’s a bright spark of a child – funny and engaging and curious. It’s been a joy to watch her grow, discover the world and see her interests develop. When we learned … Continue reading 

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A Helpful Tool for People Supporting Your DHH Child

A note about this article- I’m writing this as a parent, this is just my experience and what’s helped us. It’s not an official Hands & Voices tool. It’s just a template I created because I thought it might be … Continue reading 

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