Category Archives: Articles

Supporting Deaf Children with Multiple Challenges: A Parent Perspective

This article first appeared in the Oxford University Press. Author’s note to readers: This was a difficult article to be asked to write as I have not personally lived the experience as a parent of a deaf child with additional … Continue reading 

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Lessons Learned – A Look Back from 30+ Years of Parenting

By Kim Sanderson Paul and I raised two children.  Ashley, our oldest is hearing, in her 30’s, married to Kris and raising three step-children.  Ashley and Kris just welcomed their first son together, Logan, this year. Cole is profoundly deaf, … Continue reading 

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Deaf Gain – Another Perspective

Author: Rabab Elbaharia The first time I heard the expression “Deaf Gain” I did not understand it. When I asked various people to help explain the phrase, I received answers such as “you can talk while your mouth is full … Continue reading 

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From Swimming to Swan Lake – Language and Learning Go Hand in Hand

By Brianne Braun Whether your child is deaf, hard of hearing, or hearing, chances are they will be involved in recreational programs at some point in their childhood. For our American Sign Language (ASL) using kids, we must ensure that … Continue reading 

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Never Mind, It’s Not Important = Never Mind, You’re Not Important

Author: Teresa Kazemir I was chatting with our adult son recently, reflecting back on his childhood, and the “no never mind” rule came up. I don’t recall who first taught me the “no never mind” rule so unfortunately I can’t … Continue reading 

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The BC Hands & Voices 2018 AGM: Reflecting on the year that was, and planning for the one to come

By Lee Johnston The BC Hands & Voices AGM – held this year on March 5th – always provides an opportunity to reflect and take pride in all our organization has accomplished over the past year. In this month’s article … Continue reading 

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A Fantastic Blend of Education, Inspiration and Connection – My Experience at the 2017 Hands & Voices Leadership Conference

By Lee Johnston In September of last year, I was fortunate to be able to attend the 14th annual Hands & Voices Leadership Conference. Since joining BC Hands & Voices a couple of years ago I had heard only glowing … Continue reading 

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Teresa Kazemir: Going From Strength to Strength After a Decade of Leadership

By Jen Gow BC Hands & Voices was thrilled to award Teresa Kazemir a “Lifetime Honorary Membership” at our recent annual parent workshop “Growing Up with Hands & Voices”. Many of you may already know Teresa from one or more … Continue reading 

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BC Hands & Voices and Guide by Your Side’s 2017 Fall Parent Workshop was a great success!

By Kim Shauer A glimpse into the crystal ball – the perspective of teens & pre-teens who are growing up “Hands & Voices.”  Relationships, language considerations, challenges & more! About 40 parents came out for our workshop this year to … Continue reading 

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From Adrift to Confident: a Parent Shares the Impact BC Hands & Voices has had on her Family

BC Hands & Voices (BC H&V) was recently nominated for the Canada’s Volunteer Awards in the Social Innovator category. While BC H&V has learned that we were not a finalist for the award this year, the following is a letter … Continue reading 

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