Category Archives: Articles

A Dog Named Bobby – Past Tense

By Anja Rosenke, British Columbia, Canada We were off to Scotland. And each of us was looking forward to something different. Me, the delicious scones and walks in the countryside, my husband seeing his family – and maybe a few … Continue reading 

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Value added service: the story of a hard of hearing audiologist

by Jen Gow, North Vancouver As parents of deaf and hard of hearing children, we draw support from different groups of people. There are the usual suspects that all parents hope they can call on: family, friends and neighbourhood community. … Continue reading 

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What’s So Special About Unilateral Hearing Loss?

When your child has unilateral hearing loss, it can sometimes feel like the resources and services out there in the deaf/hard of hearing world don’t exactly fit.  Many people who grow up with unilateral hearing loss don’t even consider themselves … Continue reading 

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Inject a little Music into Communication Therapy

By Gina Cooper-Watt, Campbell River, BC I admit it, I am a research junkie. When my daughter was born, I became a “Google Mother.” As I sat at the computer, rocking Sara in one arm and perusing the internet with … Continue reading 

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Keep ‘em Safe, Wear ‘em Proud! (updated April 2023)

Tips for Keeping Hearing Equipment on Babies, Toddlers, & Preschoolers By Teresa Kazemir I remember driving home from the audiologist with brand new hearing aids in a box on my lap – little did I know what lay ahead in … Continue reading 

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